Sunday, October 30, 2011

Le Travaille

So I have not posted on my blog for a while but that totally does not mean that I have not been practicing ukulele.  This week I will be attempting to make up for that lapse.  For the past few weeks I have been continuing to work on chords.  One of the things that I have found most helpful is to get really short, easy songs online and just play different ones for about five minutes each.  I try to find songs with one or two chords that I don't really know.  Then, after tying the song for a while, I may not be able to play the whole song but I have gotten used to some new chords. This has been one of the most helpful sites for me.  There are lots of songs, many only a page long and not too difficult, with lyrics and chords.  They are mostly really old pop songs, which means that I actually know some of them!  I have printed ten of these songs and am now just practicing them repeatedly.  I am pretty sure that my dog likes my playing more than before, he has stopped leaving the room, at least, when I practice.  This I will take as a good sign and keep on with what I have been doing. 

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